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  • Department: EDUCATION
  • Chapters: 1-5
  • Pages: 54
  • Attributes: Questionnaire
  • Views: 390
  •  :: Methodology: primary
  • PRICE: ₦ 5,000
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The purpose of this research was to determine the impact of prenatal feeding habits in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, on women's health. According to the study, pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, were assessed for their knowledge of maternal nutrition, and it was determined how far pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State go to ensure their own health. The survey descriptive research design was used in this study. The poll yielded a total of 141 valid replies. The research utilized the Pender’s Health Promotion Model. Obstructed labor, preterm or low birth weight infants and maternal hemorrhage and anaemia were among the results from the answers collected and analyzed in Taraba State's Mayo-Dassa Jalingo. In addition, the study found that most pregnant women have a basic understanding of maternal nutrition. Researchers discovered that women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, go to great lengths to ensure that their pregnancies are healthy, according to the results. There should be greater attention placed on nutrition during prenatal care, according to the research.

The first chapter of the book.



Pregnant women's health is greatly improved when they have a better understanding of diet and how it affects their bodies.

Health and nutrition of a country's people are crucial indicators of the country's progress (Taleb, Kaibi, & Deghboudj, 2011). Pregnant and nursing women and newborns in India are undernourished, according to a nutrition survey. In addition to a shortage of food and a low intake, L.M. (2010) attributes this to a lack of fundamental nutrition understanding and incorrect cultural traditions. In Nigeria, there are several detrimental socio-cultural and economical elements that caused negative repercussions and decrease women’s access to quality ante-natal care required to prevent maternal morbidity and death. Women's low socioeconomic status prevents them from having a say in their reproductive health, their high level of illiteracy is a major factor in the low use of maternity care in Nigeria, and the country's high rate of poverty disproportionately affects women, all of which lead to inadequate dietary intakes, high rates of pregnancy complications, and the recurrent use of contraception among women (Obionu, 2006). Birth weight is influenced by maternal nutrition before to and during pregnancy. Poor maternal nutrition has been blamed for the high incidence of low birth weight (LBW) in underdeveloped nations (Obionu, 2006). It is imperative that pregnant women make appropriate food and lifestyle choices. Mother's energy and nutrition are vital to growing foetus's healthy physical and mental growth and development (Oni, &Tukur, 2012). Low birth weight is mostly due to the mother's poor health and nutrition, and insufficient nutrition during pregnancy is responsible for a major percentage of growth retardation in underdeveloped nations like Nigeria (Igbokwe, 2012). Malnutrition has been acknowledged as one of the underlying reason for maternal mortality during the process of conception. With poverty, food insecurity, and maternal illiteracy being the primary culprits in underdeveloped nations, malnutrition is a multifaceted and multi-factor problem. Biological connections between the mother and her kid throughout pregnancy and nursing may have a significant impact on the health and survival of both the mother and her child (Obionu, 2006).

Nutrition has a major role on newborn mortality, maternal mortality, and the low birth weight of babies, among other things. On the other hand, newborns' optimum health and growth can only be ensured by proper dietary practice (Fasola, Abosede, & Fasola, 2018). Poor prenatal nutrition has been shown to increase a child's risk of developing ailments later in life. Malnutrition, which may be characterized as either under or excess nutrition, is mostly caused by a lack of nutrition. When a person is undernourished, not only is there a lack of energy but also a deficiency or imbalance in key dietary components and nutrients. In order to achieve maximum development, a balanced diet rich in macro- and micronutrients is essential. The ratios and concentrations of these nutrients may change as a plant grows through its developmental stages. In the last several decades, people's way of life has changed dramatically all over the globe. The way of life has undergone significant transformation, particularly in the last several years. Food, cooking time and other aspects of one's diet changed as a result of this. Organic food is quickly being replaced by manufactured food in the modern world. There has been a dramatic growth in the number of eateries, as well as an increase in people's preference for fast food. One of the most critical parts of a healthy lifestyle is eating the right foods (Daly, Azefor, & Nasah, 1993). Chronic disorders such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and cancer have been linked to lifestyle and dietary shifts, according to epidemiological studies. One of the most essential components of nutrition education is developing public awareness and eventually improving the health of society (Awosika, 2001). To maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, it is essential to have a strong understanding of nutrition and apply it. Expectant moms' knowledge, attitude, and practice must be taken into account in order to improve society's health. Awosika, (2001) believes that pregnant and breastfeeding women are one of the most nutritionally sensitive sectors of the population, and that the adverse consequences of maternal under nutrition harm not just the mother, but her kids as well. Nutritional knowledge and habits of pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State were surveyed in an effort to raise understanding of how diet affects the health of the expectant mother.


Even among the most educated members of our society, there is a strong conviction in and adherence to cultural norms and values (Arimond, & Ruel, 2004). Even if we can all agree that some of these ideas and behaviors are beneficial, it's possible that some of them aren't. No matter how far medicine has come, most expectant mothers choose to learn about nutrition and prenatal care from self-help books and websites rather than from conventional midwives (Awosika, 2001). It is for this reason that a research on the impact of pregnant women's health on dietary knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors is necessary.

An understanding of what they like and dislike can help the health professional design an appropriate diet for them based on what is available in their area. Finding a way to get the word out about the need of good nutrition during pregnancy is also a priority.

What are the goals of this problem?

In Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, the major goal of this research is to examine the impact of nutritional awareness practices on pregnant women's health. Other aims of this research include, but are not limited to:

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the knowledge of pregnant women on maternal nutrition

Investigate pre- and post-natal dietary habits in the Taraba State town of May-Dassa Jaling.

A study was conducted in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, to see how malnutrition affects the health of pregnant women.

An investigation on pregnant women's nutritional needs in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State will be conducted


This project will address the following objectives-aligned research questions:

Do expectant mothers have a good understanding of what they should eat throughout pregnancy?

Pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, adopt dietary habits to what extent?

In Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, how does malnutrition affect the health of pregnant women?

Are pregnant women in Taraba State's Mayo-Dassa Jalingo faced with dietary issues that need to be addressed?


Pregnant women will benefit greatly from the study's results, which are expected to reduce the negative consequences of malnutrition on their health. The results will also be very useful to the Ministry of Health, which
