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  • Department: ECONOMICS
  • Chapters: 1-5
  • Pages: 50
  • Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract
  • Views: 325
  •  :: Methodology: Primary Research
  • PRICE: ₦ 5,000
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Co-operative is institution of a dual native.  They are organized by groups of persons based or self-interest, initiative and active participation of the persons who are members and business undertaking which are established, managed and financed by the members of the co-operative enterprises for the promotion of their individual enterprises and for house holds. Co-operative are institutions for evolution which stress the importance of life long education, which see to mobilize their members to improve their own situation through organinised group action which try to change their own attitude from passive into active, from dependence on theirs to self-reliance and thereby seek to transform traditional farmers, craftsman, workers artisans who static, elements in subsistence economic and more dynamic members of developing society. Since government has put emphasis and plans for the development of co-operative organisation, government policies are towards enhancing the development of co-operative organizations.  Indirectly, development of co-operative organisation is the development of individual members or co-operators. As such, co-operatives with their peculiar social and economic objectives principles and structure are among the most suitable institutions to involve the people in the process of development through their own organizations. The co-ordination of co-operative of development plans with national and states development plans is essential for the success of co-operative programmes.  This is especially so, when co-operative societies are used as agents for the implementation of the integrated development programmes.  One of the essential preconditions for collaborates between co-operatives and government agencies are that government will have to allow co-operative a certain degree of autonomy. When settling common goals, guidelines for joint action and self-government will have to be preserved for the co-operatives within the general framework of plan and the co-operative objectives. TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE CERTIFICATION PAGE DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PROPOSAL TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER  ONE - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Objective of the Study 1.2 Purpose of Study 1.3 Statement of Research problem 1.4 Research Questions 1.5 The Scope of the Study 1.6 Limitation 1.7 Definition of the Terms CHAPTER   TWO - REVIEW OF RELATED  LITERATURE 2.1 Meaning of Co-operative and Government Policies on Development of  Co-operative in Nigeria 2.2 Co-operative Law 2.3 Characteristic of a Good Co-operative Law 2.4 Need for Regulations 2.5 Composition of the Laws Relating to co-operative  2.6 Bye Law/Constitutions 2.7 Rule An Regulations 2.8 Historical Development of Co-operative Legislature in Nigeria 2.9 Development of Co-operative From 1967 2.10 Co-operative Movement in Awka CHAPTER   THREE - RESEARCH DESIGN  AND METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Population 3.2 Sample Size 3.3 Methods Used In collection of Data 3.4 Documentary 3.5 Face to Face Interview Method 3.6 Observation 3.7 Method of Data Analysis 3.8 Sampling Procedure CHAPTER   FOUR  - DATA
