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  • Chapters: 1-5
  • Pages: 54
  • Attributes: Questionnaire
  • Views: 245
  •  :: Methodology: primary
  • PRICE: ₦ 5,000
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1.1 The Purpose of the Research

There is no company without its employees. Because of this, the successful functioning of organizational operations is dependent on the participation of workers at all times and cannot be substituted. More than a good connection with the top management and a healthy professional relationship with their colleagues is required to assure the complete cooperation of an organization's personnel.

According to Vroom (2009), in order to get the most out of their workers, companies must carefully analyze all of the various motivating components that encourage employees to do more than simply their formal obligations.

Furthermore, motivation is widely acknowledged as a major difficulty in most companies, public or commercial (Ali, 2016). People that have the right kind of motivation will go out of their way to do good work. An employee is motivated when he or she feels a sense of purpose and energy driving them toward achieving that purpose.

As defined by Khanam(2014), the process through which companies encourage their employees to attain the objectives of the company is known as employee motivation. It has been suggested that high-motivated employees would work hard to increase their efficiency, productivity, and development in order for the organization's objective be achieved.

According to Assam (2000), both conceptually and practically, employee motivation is critical in the realm of management. An essential role of the human resources manager in a cooperative company is to encourage employees to remain committed to their jobs (Banjoko, 2010). Individual differences in productivity, engagement, and development in the workplace are a major focus of industrial relations (Eze, 2009). Discovery and evaluation are the key functions of motivational factors or tools. Since successful productivity relies on employee dedication and productivity, firms must look into and understand what motivates their people to work harder and more productively, according to Jibowo(2007).

Organizational performance is unquestionably dependent on the level of commitment shown by employees. Organizational success is attributed to increased employee dedication to a given project or company (Arthur, 2014). Motivated employees are more productive than those who are less motivated, according to the findings of a research. Financial and non-financial incentives must be appropriately applied in working businesses in order to motivate people to offer their best effort, increase their devotion, and even push to enhance efficiency, productivity, and growth. As a result, this research will analyze the influence of motivation and commitment on the efficiency, productivity and development of workers.

1.2 Defintion of the Issue

It is increasingly difficult for business companies to keep their employees engaged, productive, and loyal in the contemporary and competitive world. Nwachukwu's (2004) study found that just 19 percent of industrial employees were highly involved in their companies. Staff motivation and employee engagement are hotly debated topics, with varying degrees of agreement on their impact on productivity. Because of this, employers of labor have found and regretted that workers perform well at the beginning of employment, but their efficiency and productivity decline with time. Employees' decreased productivity and efficiency is attributed to employers' failure to motivate them to their full potential, according to Agwu(2013).

Motivation, according to Sharma(2012), is simply giving workers with the optimal balance of advice, resources, and incentives to encourage them to achieve to their maximum potential. Managers must effectively manage workers and utilize motivational strategies to keep them going since the success of firms is dependent on employee engagement and productivity. A decrease in productivity may be caused by poor or incorrect management of the company's motivations (Yusaf, 2017). For the firm to prosper in today's competitive and demanding Nigerian market, numerous incentives to motivate workers must be appropriate and accepted. This research is based on the assumption that motivation and commitment have a significant influence on staff productivity, development, and efficiency.

Aims And Purpose Of The Research

Motivation and commitment will be examined as a factor in employee efficiency, productivity, and development in the research. The investigation will go on in order to accomplish this goal;

What drives workers in a company is a combination of financial and non-financial variables.

2. Determine whether the productivity of employees is affected by their level of motivation and dedication.

Determine whether an employee's motivation and commitment affects their output.

Determine whether the employee's progress is influenced by their level of motivation and dedication.

1.4 Hypotheses for Future Research

It is expected that these propositions will be tested as part of this research.

Employee efficiency is not related to employee enthusiasm and commitment.

H02: There is no correlation between the output of employees and their levels of motivation and dedication.

H03: There's no link between a company's development and its employees' motivation and devotion.

The study's significance is estimated as 1.5.

In most Nigerian companies, motivation is genuinely not given the attention it deserves. Paying wages makes employers think they're doing something nice for their employees, which demoralizes them and lowers morale, which in turn lowers job satisfaction. As a result, the findings of this research will be crucial in rekindling the use of various motivating tactics in manufacturing firms.

It will also be used as a review of the literature by succeeding researchers. As a result, other students who may want to undertake research in this field will be able to utilize this study as a source of information that may be analyzed. The study's findings are sure to have a significant influence on scholarly understanding of the relationship between employee engagement and productivity, as well as the overall expansion of the workforce.

1.6 Study Subjects and Objectives

It is the goal of the research, in general, to explore the effects of staff efficiency, productivity, and development on the workplace's motivation and commitment. While this research will uncover the financial and non-financial variables that inspire people in a business, it will also look at whether or not motivation and commitment has an influence on an employee's efficiency, productivity, and development.

There are just a few manufacturing enterprises in Awka, Anambra State that will be studied in this research project

1.7. The Study's Limitations

Time limits, money constraints, language obstacles, and the attitude of the respondents were some of the challenges faced by the researcher while conducting this study.

There was also researcher bias involved. As a result, biases in data collection, interviewing and sampling may have been introduced as well as the interpretation of the results that resulted. All of this has the potential to have a significant impact on the results and conclusions.

Furthermore, since this research only looked at a small sample of the people in the study area, its results may not be applicable to other parts of Nigeria.

1.8 Term Definitions

It is a social process in which some members strive to persuade others, to work more, and to work more efficiently. In order to meet one's requirements, one's mental state must be energized and sustained by one's actions. The want to do something, as well as the conditioned behaviors and the capacity to meet certain requirements, are all examples of motivation.

A payment or concession made in order to inspire increased production or investment is an incentive.

Employee Performance: This refers to an employee's contribution to the organization's objectives, which is a measure of how well an employee performs their job duties.

Productivity is the ability to accomplish what you're supposed to and in the way you're supposed to. Economic activity's relative efficiency.

Accomplishment and fulfillment of the state's objectives. The act of performing one's responsibilities or completing one's objectives, as in a task or an operation.


The M. Agwu (2013). Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited Port-Harcourt employees' job performance is positively affected by the fair reward system.

Ali,(2016). Peshawar, Pakistan's IT park (software house) industry and the effect of motivation on employee performance and job happiness

Effects on manufacturing performance and turnover of human resource systems, J. B. Arthur, 2014.

In Assam, A.P. (2002). Satisfaction at Work and Perseverance.

Incorporated under the company name of Banjoko, SA (2010). management of human resources. Printed by: Saban Publishers in Lagos, Nigeria.

sources of motivation among Nigerian managers, N. Eze

Effect of job performance among extension workers in the former Western State of Nigeria on the effects of motivators and hygienic variables, A.A. Jibowo, 2007

Karlos, thank you for your time (2014). The effect of employee motivation on beverage sector performance

The Khanam, F. (2014). Employee performance is influenced by employee motivation.

Lindsey Jo Mullins (2005). Organizational Behavior and Management.

Effective leadership and productivity." Nwachukwu, C.C. (2004). Industrial organization data from a nationwide survey.

B. Sharma, et al (2012). A private company's performance (productivity) is affected by the motivation of its employees.

V. H. "Vroom" Vroom (2009). Motivation and work. Wiley, New York. Understanding what motivates your employees

Research on the Effect of Employee Motivation on Organizational Performance by Yusaf, 2017
