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  • Chapters: 1-5
  • Pages: 54
  • Attributes: Questionnaire
  • Views: 188
  •  :: Methodology: primary
  • PRICE: ₦ 5,000
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The context of the research

A computer-based technology, social media allows people to communicate ideas, views, and information through virtual networks and communities. To facilitate information sharing fast, social media is designed to be Internet-based, making it possible for users to do so using electronic methods. Documents, videos, and images belonging to the user are all part of the content. Web-based software or applications may be used on a computer, tablet, or smartphone to connect with social media. Asian countries like Indonesia are the most social media-savvy in the world, with the United States and Europe in second and third place, respectively. 1 There are an estimated 3.8 billion individuals who use social media. In the beginning, social media was used by individuals to connect with their loved ones, but it rapidly became a popular way for businesses to communicate with their customers. When you can communicate with a big number of people at once through social media, you have the ability to connect with everyone on the world. About 3.8 billion people utilize social media throughout the globe. A slew of new social media platforms, such as TikTok and Clubhouse, emerge each year, joining the likes of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram as well-established social media giants. By 2023, the number of individuals in the United States who use social media is predicted to rise to 257 million. According to the Pew Research Center, social media users are, on average, younger. Nearly nine out of ten people between the ages of 18 and 29 use social media. Additionally, these customers have an annual income of more than $75,000, making them more educated and wealthy. A broad variety of digitally enhanced activities may be used as forms of social media. Blogging, social gaming, social networks, video sharing, business networks, virtual worlds, and other activities are just few of the many possibilities. To stay in touch with their people, even elected officials rely on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. People use social media to keep in touch with friends and family members. A lot of people use social media applications to meet new people and build their professional networks, as well as to find and share their thoughts and feelings with others across the globe. A virtual social network is formed by those who participate in these types of activities. Companies can't do without social networking. Customers are identified and connected with through the platform, which is used to create sales via advertising and marketing, analyse consumer trends, and give customer support or care. It's impossible to exaggerate the value of social media in helping businesses grow. Social media may be integrated into e-commerce systems with ease thanks to this technology. It may focus on marketing and market research because of its data collection capabilities. Marketing products and services becomes easier with the availability of coupons and discounts that are distributed to certain groups of people at specific times. In addition, social media-linked loyalty programs may help build customer relationships. The downsides of social media are often cited, and many individuals link excessive use of social media to a kind of addiction. There are others who claim that it may lead to a lack of focus, stress, and jealousy. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, excessive social media use has been related to depression. In addition, social media may serve as a conduit for inaccurate or misleading information. False information was widely disseminated during the 2016 American presidential election thanks to the platform's ability to do so. Social media allows anybody to reach millions of people with material that hasn't been verified or fact-checked, making this phenomenon possible. The term "data consumption" refers to the amount of data you use during a billing cycle on a mobile phone (usually a month). In order to carry out any kind of online activity, your mobile phone data plan is being used. The following are some common ways in which data on mobile phones is put to use:

The act of looking for information on the internet

Obtaining and using applications

Email checking

Participating in online forums and communities

Having fun with games

Instant Messaging (iMessaging) (on iPhones)

Watching a video on a computer or mobile device

Streaming audio is currently being used.

Your mobile phone plan's data usage does not include data used when connected to a WiFi network. You may wonder why you need to worry about your internet usage since data overage fees are almost nonexistent and unlimited data plans are becoming increasingly commonplace. What matters is getting the best value for your money. Mobile phone plans that contain monthly data allotments normally mean that you'll get the greatest data speeds until you've used up your allotment for the month. If your plan has a 5GB data cap, you may use that much data at full speed. After you've used all your 5GB of data, you may notice slower internet speeds. With this in mind, you may assume that unlimited data plans will provide you with all of the best data accessible throughout your payment period. In reality, this isn't the case. Deprioritization thresholds (sometimes known as data caps) are common in most unlimited data mobile phone service plans. Essentially, this restriction functions as a soft limit on the amount of data you may store. Slower speeds may be a result of exceeding the threshold during periods of heavy network congestion. There is a larger deprioritization threshold for higher tiers of mobile plans. From 20GB to 50GB of monthly data use, deprioritization levels are commonly seen.

Problem statement for the study

When President Muhammadu Buhari's tweet was taken down for violating the site's regulations, the Nigerian government did not mention this in their statement. Mr Mohammed has already blasted Facebook for its "double standards" in removing the post. To handle "those misbehaving today" with a "language they will understand," President Buhari tweeted on June 1 referencing the 1967-70 Nigerian Civil War. According to a Twitter spokeswoman, the message "violated the Twitter Rules." A statement released on Friday by the firm, which announced in April that its new African headquarters will be situated in neighboring Ghana, said that the company was "investigating and will offer updates as we learn more" about Nigeria's restriction on the use of the drug. The Nigerian government did not provide any information on how the ban would be implemented or how Twitter had harmed the country's business interests.

By the end of 2020, the internet economy in Africa may be worth $180 billion and account for 5.2 percent of the continent's gross domestic product, according to a research from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Google. Increasing digital connection by 10% leads to a 2.5% boost in GDP per capita, according to a major data point in the paper. African Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) and "regional harmonization" are two factors that are expected to promote this development, according to a new analysis from the World Economic Forum (WEF). To summarize, an increasing urban population will increase GDP through using the internet and improved internet to facilitate cross-border commerce. Social media applications in Africa are dominated by Facebook (58 percent), YouTube (24 percent), and Twitter (11 percent) as of May 2021, according to StatCounter's social media app rankings. When compared to the continent of Africa, which has a penetration rate of 36%, Nigeria is considered an internet powerhouse due to the fact that it has 125 million internet users as of 2019. According to Statcounter's ranking statistics for Nigeria, Facebook has a 56% market share, followed by Twitter's 25% share. On the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) study "the Inclusive Internet index," Nigeria ranks first in "affordability." Even though Twitter users may not want to browse other sites since they obtain accurate information from Twitter, mobile data use will be minimal and even last longer because of this.

What we want to learn from this research

The following are the study's key goals:

To identify those responsible for Nigeria's twitter ban.

In order to determine the impact of Twitter's data limit on Nigerian mobile data use

To determine if Twitter's suspension has resulted in an increase or reduction in mobile data consumption.

To learn how Nigerians may make better use of mobile data.

Inquiry topics

These questions have been put together as part of the research project

What are the reasons for the Twitter censorship in the country of Nigeria?

Is Twitter's ban in Nigeria affecting the country's mobile phone data usage?

Do you believe that Twitter's deactivation has increased or lowered mobile data usage?

It is possible to raise Nigeria's mobile data use.

The study's importance

Because of the following, this research is very significant:

Career women in Nigeria's Lagos state will be the focus of this research, which aims to learn how they cope with stress.

This study's results will surely give vital information to government agencies, professional women, businesses, and academic institutions.

Methodological framework

This research explores the impact of Twitter's data use limit on Nigerian mobile phone users' behavior. For this reason, the research would only include Twitter users in the Nigerian state of Lagos. Nigeria

The study's limitations are discussed.

Several considerations limited the scope of this investigation:

in the same way as any other kind of research, ranging from the lack of relevant resources to the difficulty to get data.

It was difficult for the researcher to get the necessary materials and to print and assemble surveys due to a lack of funds.

Since the researcher has to juggle between writing the study and doing other academic work, the time element is another barrier.

definition of words in a practical sense

An effect is a change that occurs as a result of or as a result of some cause.

Using Twitter, you may make a tremulous sounding call.

The amount of data your phone uploads or downloads via mobile data is known as mobile data use.

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