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  • Department: ACCOUNTING
  • Chapters: 1-5
  • Pages: 50
  • Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract
  • Views: 403
  •  :: Methodology: Primary Research
  • PRICE: ₦ 5,000
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Strategic planning is defined as unified, comprehensive and integrated plan design to ensure that the basic objectives of an enterprises is achieved, it also known as long-term planning simply defined as the formal process of determining long, medium and short-term objectives and goals of an industry and how to achieve them.

Enterprises employ strategic planning on financial planning of varying degree of completeness.

Sexton and Auken identify four levels of strategic planning in small and medium enterprises as: strategic planning at zero level (i.e no strategic planning) strategic planning at level 1 (i.e. knowledge of sales but not profit) strategic planning at level 2 (i.e knowledge of sales but not profit) and strategic planning of level 3 (i.e knowledge of sales and profit and adopting measures to achieve the projected sales and profits).

On a variety of financial performance strategic planning measures for both medium and small scale enterprise. These studies have been undertaken especially those of small firms have drawn conflicting conclusion by saying that strategic planning provides structure for decision making helping small and medium scale enterprises manager take a long-term view.

It is a highly value tool that is usually employed by successful and best-managed business enterprises throughout the world it is a plan of business enterprises reveals it’s objectives, purpose, goals and patterns of and defines the range of business the enterprises is to pursue.

Planning is the fundamental function of management, it is the formal process of setting objectives and determining the means of achieving objectives.

Strategic planning is a process by which some one can envisioning future and develop the necessary procedures and operations to influence and achieve that future.

Strategic planning consists of set of underlying processes that are intended to create or manipulate a situation to create a more favourable outcome for an industry.

Industries, however appear to gain more because they can derive considerable benefits not only from adaptive thinking but also from integration and control.

Small scale enterprises can derive considerable benefits from adaptive thinking but probably gain less than large firms from integration and control aspects of strategic planning.

The effectiveness of strategic planning can be measured in terms of the extent to which it influences organizational performances which affect it’s survival rate. Pel extra industry will be use as case study.


Business firm needs strategic plans to set direction for themselves in order to outperform competitions, exploit opportunities and circumvent through threatening environment.

It is an annual process and considered a very import enterprises activity. It can be considered a longitudinal study because it examines a set of institutions to identify changes in their performance over time.

Strategic planning is one of the most misunderstood and poorly used tools in many organizations with detailed plan created arduously over months at great effort only to gather dust and languish after they have duly acknowledged and then filed away.


Strategic planning is important on financial performance of an enterprises.

The purpose of these study are as follows:

(1)    To examine the extent in which strategic planning intensity determined managerial and environmental factors.

(2)    To determine whether there is a link between strategic planning and organizational survival.

(3)    To ascertain whether strategic planning implementation enhance organization return on investment.

(4)    To determine whether strategic planning enhance better organizational probability.
